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The Nubians fall under the Assyrians invasion. The capital moves from Tanis to Libyan, to Nubia, to Thebes, to SAIS, and then back to Nubia and Thebes. Ramesses XI (Menmaatresetepenptah) 1099 - 1069 Ramesses X (Khepermaatresetepenre) 1108 - 1099 Ramesses IX (Neferkaresetepenre) 1126 - 1108 Ramesses VIII (Usermaatreakhenamun) 1129 - 1126 Ramesses VII (Usermaatresetepenre) 1136 - 1129 Ramesses VI (Nebmaatremeryamun) 1143 - 1136 Ramesses V (Usermaatresekheperenre) 1147 - 1143 Ramesses IV (Hekamaatresetepenamun) 1153 - 1147 Ramesses III (Usermaatremeryamun) 1184 - 1153 Seti II (Userkheperuresetepenre) 1200 - 1194 Merenptah (Baenrehotephirmaat) 1213 - 1203 Ramesses II (Usermaatresetepenre) 1279 - 1213

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The priesthood becomes hereditary and begins to assume secular power. During the 20th Dynasty tomb robbing is done by officials. Towards the end of the 19th Dynasty the increasing power of the priesthood corrupts the central government. Kamose defeats the Hyksos.Įxtreme prosperity and renaissance in art and building projects mark the beginning of this period. Eventually the Theban princes regain power. Prosperity and renaissance existed for a long period of time, but eventually, internal problems become apparent. There is a refinement in the making of jewelry. This period is marked with foreign trade and enormous building projects. Inyotef III (Nakhtnebtepnefer) 2069 - 2060 Montuhotep established order from his capital at Thebes.Īttested Kings about whom nothing more is known There was a breakdown of centralized government, with many kings having overlapping reigns. The pyramids of Giza and Dahshur are built during this period. Rulers EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD (B.C.) 1st Dynasty (3050 - 2890)

  • 1.13 The Byzantine Christian Period (A.D.).

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